【168Consulting留学生移民工作推荐】 【雇主急招】士嘉堡会计事务所请Accounting Assistant (欢迎毕业生投简历,雇主愿意配合移民) 岗位名称:Accounting Assistant 工作地点:Scarborough 工作时间:9.00 am -5.00 pm ( Monday - Friday ) 岗位薪资:3个月实习期时薪$15-16 【岗位职责】 - Full cycle booking for the business client using Quickbooks - Routine business payroll, HST, WSIB, and related fillings with CRA for business clients - Analysis for financial statements for annual return for business - prepare draft T2 for year-end corporations - answering general inquires from both individual and business clients - prepare personal income tax returns T1 general fillings during tax seasons - other related financial practices 5 q/ r0 Q" k9 M$ j7 d I
【岗位要求】 1.中文/英文流利 2. accounting Bachelor,CPA candidate preferred 3. 2-3 years accounting position experience 4. 雇主提供相关培训,配合毕业生移民 " Q R! }6 F7 p& l
有意向申请职位请把简历发到: info@168consulting.com& J# e% H4 B3 q0 p+ n5 P0 u
Tel: 647-349-8803
7 F6 u* r% Y k8 f9 b( l# l/ L1 YWeChat: Consulting168 3 W1 w j5 v. @2 n$ a4 R
168 Consulting 为您提供留学生工作、移民一站式服务!自公司成立以来我们与超过上千家招聘企业合作,简历直达雇主手中,承诺在最短时间内帮助有CEC移民需求的求职者寻找到一份适合的工作,并确保该工作符合CEC移民标准。
# ~+ D: p3 Q5 f8 r地址:250 Consumers Road, Suite 410, Toronto M2J 4V6 更多移民工作可以浏览网站:https://www.51.ca/jobs/user/my-job-posts/main
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